CEO Seong - Hun Oh,
a Nurse by Trade
When I was working as a nurse, I was so busy and constantly on my feet that I lost 10kg. It was from the question, "But who takes care of the nurses?" that Nurfit's journey began.
Nurses are by our side from the moment we open our eyes for the first time until our final breath. I wanted to go beyond simply understanding their lives and actively support them by providing real solutions to the challenges they face.

NURFIT - A Lifestyle Brand
for Nurses
Born out of a vision to support nurses, Nurfit creates products and services that truly address their needs, with deep respect for the compassionate care they provide.
NURSPECT : Nursing
Embodies Respect
We develop products and services that support nurses, with deep respect for the compassionate care they provide.
Through the positive impact of delivering the values of nursing, we strive to create a healthier world.
Core Value
We communicate with nurses, understanding their lives, and actively working together to find practical solutions to the challenges they face.
We support nurses, helping them achieve greater mental and physical stability in their lives.
By sharing the stories of nurses, we promote the meaning and value of nursing, creating a culture of respect and appreciation.

More Than Just Products
Every step nurses take to care for a patient is a step toward saving lives. We believe that through these steps, change happens, and together, those small changes create a better world.
The products we create at Nurfit go beyond high performance – they serve as a medium that embodies and delivers the true value of nursing.

A Brand That Stands
with Nurses
Today, nurses in 20 countries are using Nurfit’s products.
In Korea, we engage with a community of 110,000 nurses, formed organically, and we work closely with them in developing our products.
After all, who understands the challenges and needs of nurses better than nurses themselves?

Creating a Positive Global
Impact with Nurses
Nurfit is not only dedicated to supporting nurses but also works alongside the International Korean Nurses Foundation to promote global health.
We also provide regular support to children aspiring to become nurses, spreading positive impact throughout the world.
Nurfit will continue to stand with nurses, supporting them as they take stronger steps forward.